Original Artwork by Hana Evans

Visioning - the magic of visual affirmations

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This work are my collages inspired by a book Visioning by Lucia Cappaccione. She is an art therapist, artist and a workshop leader who teaches "how to manifest one's heart's desire" through collage as a positive affirmation technique.
I had a lot of fun with them and as if it was not enough, they even work, though often in unexpected ways!
Here you will find several of my collages, always made with some purpose in mind, be it encouraging my self-confidence, attracting financial support, emotional healing or listing the qualities desired in a relationship...
Click on the pictures for the larger version.

You are on assignment
Need help to do this job...

Don't dream it - live it right now!

Its never too late to heal
In fact its gotta be done some day...

Just commit
Well, Im talking to myself...

Excerpt from

Visioning - 10 steps to designing the life of your dreams

by Lucia Capacchione


The Designer within


Visioning is a purposefull daydreaming applied to everyday life. It is about thinking with your heart and allowing your true wishes to become reality. A Visionary's language is made up of images and words from the heart. Deep within the heart we find the creative self. This creative self is home to the practical Visionary within, our unlimited potential, our spiritual DNA or life's purpose.


This creative self is our silent partner. It is always ready and willing to help us express our true desires in the world. Although it is a silent partner, our creative self does have a voice. It speaks in images, in daydreams anmd night dreams. It send messages through the body. Sometimes the creative self is expressed through music, poetry or art.


Acquiring the habit of listening to your heart and giving voice to your creative conscience is a great survival strategy, enabling you to design and build the life you want with the piecves that lifehas given you.


Visioning is rooted in the idea that it is within your power to:


  • take charge of your own imagination
  • became a purposefull dreamer
  • design the lifeof your dream
  • Vision your dream into reality


Visioning begins by naming your heart's desire and translating it into pictures and words on paper...


Are you ready to find your dream and turn it into reality? Come on, lets go for it!"



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No bullshit
..between you and me, please

Till death us do part

Delicious extinction
Of the ego, of the separation